Welcome to Trailside
5:30PM Pacific/8:30PM Eastern
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Thur., Feb 20 — Galentine’s Day - Social Hour & Events Showcase
Thurs., Mar 20 — Women Trainers Roundtable
Thurs., April 24 — Moto Camping Tips & Tricks
Thurs., May 15 — How To Ride a BDR
Tues., June 10 — Digital Route Planning
July — Summer break! Gone riding! See you out there!
Tues., Aug 5 — Cross-Training for Adventure
Wed., Sept 10 — Injury Prevention & Recovery
Thurs., Oct 16 — Women Trainers Roundtable
Thurs., Nov 13 — Trailside Repairs and Winter Maintenance
Wed., Dec 10 — International Travel Thur
*Dates and topics are subject to change.
Join the Trailside Mailing list for meeting reminders and announcements.

Trailside FAQ
We are eager to answer ALL your questions! Shoot us an email at info@sheadv.com or drop us a DM on social media… we look forward to hearing from you!
Life gets busy sometimes and we would hate for you to miss out on all the great Trailside info! Our goal is to serve as many people as possible, while maintaining a safe space for you to ask questions. When appropriate, we will make a recording of the Trailside calls available for our SheADV community to view, but we will never blast out your innermost ADV concerns to the internet at large.
Visit the SheADV YouTube for available past recordings.
If you’re a seasoned adventure rider, an aspiring off-road enthusiast, or moto-curious and yet to get your license, Trailside is for YOU! We’ll tackle topics that serve a wide range of experience levels from newbie to pro!
Absolutely! All women are welcome, as long as they’re interested in getting off road, exploring on two wheels, and looking for an awesome place to connect with an amazing community. Have her sign up for our newsletter and we’ll share the Zoom link!